学校的奖学金/助学金政策是我们择校过程中重要的一环。哪些学校给Financial Aid更慷慨?哪些慷慨的学校更容易申请?本周的线上分享将从奖学金/助学金的角度为您提供择校建议。
Financial Aid的申请是大学申请的重要环节,但是Scholarship, Grants, Loans, Work-study都是什么?FAFSA和CSS有什么区别?拿到了Award letter如何选择? Need-aware和Need-blind学校在录取上有什么不同?Need-based和Merit-based如何界定?
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Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Members of the International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC), Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Counseling (PACAC), and the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), BosonEd is dedicated to maintaining professionalism and a strong service-oriented approach.
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Members of the International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC), Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Counseling (PACAC), and the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), BosonEd is dedicated to maintaining professionalism and a strong service-oriented approach.
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Members of the International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC), Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Counseling (PACAC), and the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), BosonEd is dedicated to maintaining professionalism and a strong service-oriented approach.
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
Our replays are just a taste of what's in store. Join us for our bi-weekly webinar, where you can dive deep into the full content, engage in discussions, and get all your burning questions answered! Alternatively, join our Facebook Group "Everything About Getting into College." Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn everything about getting into college!
前50热门大学以及宝藏大学的最后一集。本期分享纽约州的大学,既有哥伦比亚和NYU这样的综合名校,也有Cooper Union这类专精的小众校,总有一款适合您!
不管您是忙于定校的senior还是正在规划期的freshman, sophomore和junior都可以获取这些学校的优劣势,以及适合人群的干货信息。
Top 50 Colleges--Tufts Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Click to WatchIn June and July, we'll introduce a series of webinars about the top 50 popular universities. Whether you're a rising senior about to start your applications or a freshman, sophomore, or junior in the planning stages, you can benefit from learning about the pros and cons of these schools and the types of students they best serve.
In June and July, we'll introduce a series of webinars about the top 50 popular universities.
Whether you're a rising senior about to start your applications or a freshman, sophomore, or junior in the planning stages, you can benefit from learning about the pros and cons of these schools and the types of students they best serve.
不管你是马上要定学校的senior,还是在申请规划期的freshman, sophomore, 和junior,你都将在本次分享中获得:
A college major can determine your chance of getting your first job. Rather than waiting until graduation to start thinking about job searching, you need to consider it when preparing your college application.
暑假马上就开始了,准备进入11年级的同学有的准备开始夏季活动,有的开始准备标化,有的准备访校,有的则刚开始考虑申请规划。那么这个时间点rising junior如何规划升学,本周咱们来聊一下这个话题,给您一个全家桶升学规划菜单。
Choosing a major can determine your chance of getting in. Instead of just thinking about finance, computer science, economics…there are many more options for you to consider, ones not only that you like, but also easier to get in.
🎓 Ready to make the most of your summer and boost your college application? Join us for an insightful webinar on navigating the world of summer programs!
1. You will discover what's the logical connection between summer programs and undergraduate applications?
2. You will obtain expert tips on choosing the perfect program to align with your interests and goals.
3. You will learn how participation in these programs can enhance your college applications.
When you receive a deferral notice, it's important to take action. But what should you do? I've invited Parke, the former Associate Dean of Admission at the University of Virginia, to join me and discuss this topic.
每年的8月1日是美国本科新生和转学申请系统Common Application开放的日子,意味着申请季进入到了最后的阶段。而今年的common app由于平权法案的被推翻,导致各个学校在判决后紧急做出各种应对,集中体现在补充文书的调整。另外,很多学校也调整了申请要求,以适应新时代。今天我们就来聊一下各个学校的变化。
What exactly are admissions officers looking for when reviewing application materials? How do they judge whether a student can be admitted?
1. 选Offer需要注意的因素
2. 如何争取更多奖学金
3. 学校排名与求职
4. 小池塘v.s.大池塘
5. 小鱼v.s.大鱼
What are the differences between transfer and freshmen applications? What are the important factors?
Is transferring easier than applying as a freshman?
When is the best time to transfer?
Community college vs. a lower-ranked four-year college?
What should I do if I want to transfer to one of the top 20 schools?
The key to writing personal statement for British master programs:It’s all about academics. The name of the statement is Statement of academic purpose.
DOs and DON'Ts after submitting applicaitons
Do you need to submit documents that aren’t required by colleges?
Do you need to contact schools to make sure they have received all my recommendations?
Do you need to update your activities
How to reach out to admissions
And MORE...
DOs and DON'Ts after submitting applicaitons
Do you need to submit documents that aren’t required by colleges?
Do you need to contact schools to make sure they have received all my recommendations?
Do you need to update your activities
How to reach out to admissions
And MORE...
DOs and DON'Ts after submitting applicaitons
Do you need to submit documents that aren’t required by colleges?
Do you need to contact schools to make sure they have received all my recommendations?
Do you need to update your activities
How to reach out to admissions
And MORE...